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Australian Police Winter Games July 2024

Race Rules

  1. Purpose of these Rules
  2. Definitions
  3. Alteration of the Race Rules
  4. Eligibility and Obligations of Competitors
  5. Race Committee and Race Coordinator Tasks
  6. Race Jury

These are the Race Rules of the Australian Police Winter Games as conducted by The Australian Police Ski Federation Inc. and the Race Committee.

These Race Rules, in conjunction with the Rules of the A.P.S.F, define the management and control of the competition events conducted during the Australian Police Winter Games.

In these Rules, unless the contrary intention appears: “Act” means the Associations Incorporation Act 1981 (Victoria); “A.P.S.F” “the Federation” or “A.P.S.F Inc” means the Australian Police Ski Federation. “A.P.W.G” or “Games” mean the Australian Police Winter Games. “Competitor” under these Race Rules means a person who has been accepted by the Race Committee as a competitor in the Australian Police Winter Games. “Executive Committee” or “Committee” means the Committee of Management of the Australian Police Ski Federation being the officers and the ordinary committee members of the Federation. “Federation” means the A.P.S.F. “Host Venue” is the location and managing authority where the Australian Police Winter Games are being conducted. “Member” means a current financial member of the A.P.S.F who is entitled to vote (reference Section 29 (5) of the Associations Incorporation Act 1981 (Vic). “Office Bearer” or “Officer” means, President, Vice President, Secretary, or Treasurer. “Ordinary Member of the Committee” means a member of the Executive Committee who is not an officer of the Federation under Rule 23. “Police Service” means an Australian Federal, State and Territory Police Service or Force. “Race” under these Race Rules means an event that that is organized as a race event by the Race Committee during the A.P.W.G and includes (but not limited to) any race, competition, seeding event, time trial or alpine event. “Race Committee” means members nominated by the Executive Committee to manage or assist in managing the competition/s of the Australian Police Ski Federation as subject to Rule 30 of the Rules of the A.P.S.F. “Race Committee Meeting” means a meeting of the race committee which is not a general meeting. “Race Co-ordinator” is that person as elected or nominated under Rule 24 of the Rules of the Australian Police Ski Federation. “Race Department” is the unit employed or utilized by the Host Venue to prepare, administer and manage the race course and the running of race events. “Race Rules” are the rules relating to the organization, control and management of the race competition events conducted during the Australian Police Winter Games. “Regulations” means Regulations under the Act. “Rules” are the Rules of the Australian Police Ski Federation. “Ski” in these Race Rules means alpine skiing, cross country skiing, snowboarding, tobogganing or alpine sport.
These Race Rules may be altered under the Rules of the Australian Police Ski Federation.
(1) A competitor is a person who is accepted as a competitor into the Australian Police Winter Games by the Race Committee. (2) A competitor’s conduct and participation during the A.P.W.G is subject to these Race Rules, the Rules of the A.P.S.F, the instructions and determinations of the Race Committee and the determinations of the Race Jury. (3) The determinations and/or instructions of the A.P.W.G Race Committee and the Race Coordinator may be either in writing and/or verbal and may vary from time to time. (4) A competitor’s conduct and participation during the A.P.W.G is subject to the rules of the Race Department. (5) A competitor must conduct themselves in a safe and sportsmanlike manner while in the race preparation area, while on the race course, whilst competing and while in and around the exit area at the base of race courses. (6) A competitor must not be under the influence of alcohol or drugs prior to or during competition. A competitor who is under the influence of drugs or alcohol may be refused the right to compete (7) A competitor’s equipment must be appropriate for the race being competed and be in safe condition. If a competitor’s equipment is not appropriate or safe then they may be refused the right to compete. (8) A competitor who is refused the right to compete on the grounds of safety or the appropriateness of their equipment, or for being under the influence of alcohol or drugs prior or during competition has no right of appeal and has no right to have their race entry fee refunded. (9) A competitor may be refused the right to compete or be disqualified from competing in the A.P.W.G for failing to fulfill their obligations under the Race Rules, the Rules of the A.P.S.F or the Rules of the Race Department. (10) A competitor is forbidden to advertise any product or sponsor prior to, during or after Races without prior approval of the Race Committee.
The Race Committee will: (1) Conduct the role of Race Committee subject to the Rules of the A.P.S.F. (2) Assist the Race Coordinator in conducting the A.P.W.G. or other Federation competition or event/s. The Race Coordinator will: (1) Conduct the role of Race Coordinator subject to the Rules of the A.P.S.F. (2) Liaise and coordinate races with the Race Department. (3) In conjunction with the Race Committee and the Race Department, manage the conduct of races including compiling age categories, group categories, format, running order, timing of the races, teams’ composition and race results. (4) Nominate team captains.
(1) The Race Jury shall be conducted as per the Rules of the A.P.S.F.