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The Australian Police Winter Games has been an annual event since 1983, involving social events, skiing and snowboarding races. It is the longest continual Police Winter Sports Competition in the world today. The underpinning theme… “IT’S SNOW FUN!”. There are some who take the competition seriously. However the games cater for all level of skiers. The games are a very social affair, with participants accommodated in the one venue. Everyone breakfasts and dines together, making new friends an absolute given. So even if you come on your own, you won’t be alone.

The games are open to all Australian police (past and present), their invited partners, families and friends. It is almost impossible to identify who the cops are. Invitations are also extended to visitors from overseas police forces to come and join us in friendly competition.

The competition caters fors with whom to share the experience. The events are ability specific and the all important medals anr all level of skier and boarder. So whether you ski off-piste, or just in your dreams, there will be plenty of othed points are awarded to individuals and their respective team. Historically, many first time skiers and boarders win medals and invaluable points for their team.

All levels of skier and boarder are catered to. The more experienced “Racer’s” compete against themselves, the clock and their fellow age division, on the A grade course. While novices to the alpine sports compete on the more forgiving B grade course. The race school always ensures that safety is paramount in their course configurations. It is mandatory now for all prospective competitors to participate in the “Seeding” race, which permits the race committee to accurately grade the competitors alpine ability.